Indian Potato Association MemberShip


The IPA-Kaushalya Sikka Memorial Award is given once in four years, starting from 2005, for outstanding contribution to potato. The award consists of a sum of Rs 20,000 in cash and a citation. The application can be made for individual or team work. For team award, there can be a maximum of eight members including the team leader. The team leader gets 50% of the total prize money and the rest 50% is shared equally by the remaining team workers. Each team member receives a separate citation.

The evaluation criteria are as follows:
(a) Conceptual clarity and originality of the work conducted over the last 5 years, preceding the year of award.
(b) Quality of methodology adopted and innovative approaches used to carry out the research.
(c) Major results, their scientific, technological and socio-economic relevance.
(d) Quality of publications arising from the research work.

The award is given every year and only one paper is considered for the award. The award consists of a certificate and a ‘Gold Plated Medal’. In case of joint papers, every author is awarded with a certificate and a medal. The award is effective from 1994

Scorecard for evaluation of IPA-Kaushalya Sikka Memorial Awarded

Sr. No. Item for evaluation Maximum Score
01 Conceptual clarity of the work for which the award is claimed 05
02 Originality of the work 05
03 Relevance of the work (scientific, technological and socio-economic) 05
04 Quality of methodology adopted (any innovative approach used?) 10
05 Major results and their scientific/technological significance 10
06 Potential value of the results 05
07 Impact of the results on potato production, productivity, profitability and sustainability 15
08 Publication* 30
09 Patent filed and obtained 05
10 Others (Academic excellence, national/inter-national awards, fellowship of scientific societies etc.) 10
Total score 100

*10 best papers to be counted, NAAS rating to be taken and multiplied by 1.0 as 1st author / corresponding author and 0.75 as co-author. The total rating of ten papers obtained may be multiplied by 0.3 and the score thus obtained may be taken out of 30.

Award Holder - (IPA-Kaushalaya Sikka Memorial Award)
Block Year Title Team Leader Associated members
2000 to 2004 Development of Agro- technology for Maximizing Potatoes for Processing from West-Central Plains Dr. Parveen Kumar Dr. Satya Vir Singh, Dr. Suman Kumar Pandey and Dr. Dinesh Kumar
2004 to 2009 Biochemical factors regulating potato processing quality under sub-tropical climates Dr. Dinesh Kumar Dr. SK Pandey, Dr. R Ezekiel, SV Singh, Dr. RS Marwaha, Dr. BP Singh, Dr. Brajesh Singh and Dr. Parveen Kumar
2009 to 2013 Development of diagnostic tools for virus detection in potato for augmenting healthy seed production Dr. A. Jeevalatha Dr. Baswaraj Raigond, Dr. Ravinder Kumar, Dr. SK Chakrabarti and Dr. BP Singh
2013 to 2017 Decision Support Tools for Potato Research and Development Dr. Bir Pal Singh Dr. PM Govindakrishnan, Dr. VK Dua, Dr. Shashi Rawat, Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, Sh. Islam Ahmad, Dr. SK Chakrabarti and SS Lal
2018 to 2022 Tackling Biotic Stresses in Potato: Diagnostics, Pathophysiology and Management Strategies Dr. Ravinder Kumar Dr. Milan Kumar Lal and Dr. Rahul Kumar Tiwari


The IPA-Chandra Prabha Singh Young Scientist Award is given once in two years, starting from 2011-2012 to advance excellence in the field of potato research. The award consists of a sum of Rs 10,000 in cash and a citation.

The evaluation criteria are as follows:
(a) At least five-year research experience in potato. It should be supported by the published work in reputed journals.
(b) Age should not be more than 40 years as on 1st January of the year for which the applications are invited for the award.

Scorecard for evaluation of IPA-Chandra Prabha Singh Young Scientist Awarded

Sr. No. Item for evaluation Maximum Score
01 Conceptual clarity of the work for which the award is claimed 05
02 Originality of the work 05
03 Relevance of the work (scientific, technological and socio-economic) 05
04 Quality of methodology adopted (any innovative approach used?) 10
05 Major results and their scientific/technological significance 10
06 Potential value of the results 05
07 Impact of the results on potato production, productivity, profitability and sustainability 15
08 Publication* 30
09 Patent filed and obtained 05
10 Others (Academic excellence, national/inter-national awards, fellowship of scientific societies etc.) 10
Total score 100

*10 best papers to be counted, NAAS rating to be taken and multiplied by 1.0 as 1st author / corresponding author and 0.75 as co-author. The total rating of ten papers obtained may be multiplied by 0.3 and the score thus obtained may be taken out of 30.

Award Holder - (IPA-Chandra Prabha Singh Young Scientist Award)
Block Year Name
2011 to 2012 Dr. Jagesh Kumar Tiwari
2013 to 2014 Dr. Shashi Rawat
2015 to 2016 Dr. A. Jeevalatha
2017 to 2018 Dr. S. Sundaresha
2019 to 2020 Dr. Ravinder Kumar
2021 to 2022 Dr. Pinky Raigond


Normally only full papers published in a particular volume of an year in Potato Journal, are considered for the award. The paper may be on applied or basic aspects or dealing with development of new techniques or concepts. If the papers are published in a series, each paper is to be considered on its own merit.

Following criteria is followed for judging the best paper:
(a) Originality, reliability and objective of the research findings.
(b) Significance of the findings.
(c) Methodology used.
(d) Presentation of the paper.

The award is given every year and only one paper is considered for the award. The award consists of a certificate and a ‘Gold Plated Medal’. In case of joint papers, every author is awarded with a certificate and a medal. The award is effective from 1994

Award Holder - (For the papers published in Potato Journal)
Paper Title Authors Ref. No.

Induction of androgenizes and regeneration of androgenic plants from tetrapod Indian potato (Selenium tuber sum L. subsp. tuber sum) cultivars.

Drs. A Chanemougasoundhararn, Sushruti Sharma, Debabrata Sarkar, Suman K Pandey, SM Paul Khurana, KC Thakur and P Manivel

Potato J. 31
(1 - 2) 59-65, 2004

Genetic divergence in tetrapod potatoes (Selenium tuber sum subsp. tuber sum) as revealed by rapid vis-à-vis morphological markers

Drs. Sheetal Kujal, SK Chakrabarti, SK Pandey and SM Paul Khurana

Potato J. 32
(1 - 2): 17-27, 2005

Kufri Surya: a new heat- tolerant potato variety suitable for early planting and processing in North- western plains, Peninsular India and processing into French fries and chips.

Drs. JS Minhas, Devendra Kumar, TA Joseph, BT Raj, SM Paul Khurana, SK Pandey, SV Singh, BP Singh and PS Naik

Potato J. 33
(1 - 2): 35-43, 2006

Increasing potato productivity and profitability through integrated plant nutrient system in the north- western Himalayas.

Drs. DK Parmar, Akhilesh Sharma, Sanjay Chaddha, Vinod Sharma, Ankur Vermani, Arun Mishra, Girish Gautam and Virender Kumar

Potato J. 34
(3 - 4): 209-215, 2007

Efficiency of diversified rice- wheat cropping systems including potato, vegetable peas and groundnut crops in trans-Genetic plains.

Drs. JP Singh, A. Salaria, K. Singh and B. Gangwar Potato J. 35
(1 - 2): 53-60, 2008

Relationship between glucose accumulation and activities of acid inverses and its inhibitors in potatoes under simulated commercial conditions.

Drs. Changai Xu, Warren K. Coleman, Fan-Rui Meng, Merideth Bonierbale and Xiu-Qing Li

Potato J. 36
(1 - 2): 35-44, 2009

Kufri Friona: First high yielding potato variety for French fries in India.

Drs. SV Singh, SK Pandey, Dinesh Kumar, RS Marwaha, P Manivel, Parveen Kumar, BP Singh and Vinay Bhardwaj

Potato J. 37
(3 - 4): 103-109, 2010

Development and testing of a wide row ringer, inter row cultivator and digger for nucleus seed potato production.

Drs. Sukhwinder Singh, Parveen Kumar, Manjit Singh, Dhruv Kumar, BP Singh and SK Pandey

Potato J 38
(2): 155-161 (2011)

Marker-assisted selection for virus resistance in potato: options and challenges.

Drs. Jagesh K Tiwari, Jai Gopal and BP Singh Potato J 39
(2): 101-117 (2012)

Potato mini-tuber production during main and off crop seasons in high hills of North-Western Himalaya.

Drs. Ashwani K Sharma, EP Venkatasalam and Vinod Kumar Potato J 40
(1): 29-37 (2013)

Genotype x environment interaction analysis for tuber yield of potato using a GGE bipod method in Amara region, Ethiopia.

Dr. M Gedif and D Yigzaw Potato J 41
(1): 41-51 (2014)

Impact of climate change on potato productivity in Uttar Pradesh and adaptation strategies.

Drs. VK Dua, BP Singh, Sushil Kumar and SS Lal Potato J 42
(2): 95-110 (2015)

In-vitro detached leaf assay of host-mediated RNAi lines carrying phytophthora infestans avr3a effector gene for late blight


Drs. Suman Sanju, Aditi Thakur, Sundaresha Siddappa, Sanjeev Sharma, Pradeep Kumar Shukla, Nidhi Srivastava, Debasis Patanayak

and BP Singh
Potato J 43
(1): 30-37 (2016)

Mapping of aphid species associated with potato in India using morphological and molecular taxonomic approaches.

Drs. Anuj Bhatnagar, Shridhar Jandrajupalli, Vallepu Venkateswarlu, Kamlesh Malik, Mohamad Abas Shah and BP Singh

Potato J 44
(2): 117-125 (2017)

Breeding for coloured flesh potatoes: Molecular, agronomical and nutritional profiling.

Drs. SK Luthra, JK Tiwari, Dalamu, Bandana Kaundal, Pinky Riagond, Jagdev Sharma, Brajesh Singh, VK Dua, Vinod Kumar and VK Gupta.

Potato J 45
(2): 81-92 (2018)

Efficiency and reliability of marker assisted selection for resistance to major biotic stresses in potato.

Drs. Vinay Bhardwaj, Salej Sood, Ashwani Kumar, G. Vanishree, Sanjeev Sharma, S. Sundaresha, Baswaraj Raigond, Ravinder Kumar, Aarti Bairwa, Mehi Lal, and SK Chakrabarti.

Potato J 46
(1): 56-66 (2019)

First report of haplothrips tenuipennis bagnall (thysanoptera, phlaeothripidae) on potato in north western hills of India.

Drs. Jandrajupalli Sridhar, Neelam Kumari, Baswaraj Raigond, Vallepu Venkateswarlu, Anuj Bhatnagar, Kamlesh Malik, Sanjeev Sharma, M Nagesh and SK Chakrabarti.

Potato J 47 (1): 92-96 (2020)

Utilization of potato waste for production of bioethanol: A novel technology.

Drs. Dharmendra Kumar, Som Dutt, SS Changan, MK Lal, AK Jaiswal, RK Tiwari, Vikas Mangal, Pinky Raigond and Brajesh Singh.

Potato J 48 (2): 124-133 (2021)

Returns to potato research in India: A case of Kufri Pukhraj.

Drs. NK Pandey, P Kharumnuid, Sant Kumar, SK Chakrabarti and Vinay Bhardwaj.

Potato J 49 (2): 141-148 (2022)

Analysis of carotenoids metabolism genes landscape in potato and cloning of zeaxanthin epoxidase gene.

Drs. Som Dutt, Kalpana Devi, Mamta Chauhan, Pinky Raigond, Dharmendra Kumar, Milan Kumar Lal, Arvind Kumar Jaiswal, Bandana, Devendra Kumar, Satish Kumar Luthra, Dinesh Kumar and Brajesh Singh.

Potato J 50 (2): 132-148 (2023)

Indian Potato Association